Attach resQR to keys, computers, phones, passports, luggage, wallets credit cards sunglasses and anything valuable. Through the resQR App quickly and simply set a reward or offer good karma for your lost items return. resQR harnesses the simplicity and acceptance of QR codes globally to allow Finders of lost items to quickly and simply scan the resQR code and be greeted with your reward if you have set one or your offer of good karma. The Finder has incentive to enter their details which you will receive by SMS or email so you can contact them for your lost items safe return. Everyone in the world with a mobile phone becomes your Finder a sure way to ensure your lost items never stay lost. As the Owner the Finder does not receive your details to ensure your security this is especially important for lost wallets, passports, phones, computers and keys. Most importantly resQR is committed to supporting charities and your Finder will be offered to donate your lost item reward if you have set one to one of our supported charities, everyone wins with resQR. Ensure nothing stays lost and attach a resQR to your valuables. Take a look at your keys, these can be worth hundreds of dollars to replace and a huge inconvenience if lost. Ask yourself if you lose your keys today how can a Finder return these to you? If your answer, is they can’t, then resQR is a must for you.